Tuesday, August 10, 2010

wholesale baby bibs [research]The water friend brings the DOTA6.67 hot spot modifies fast comments

First, the landscape generation has the talent person to leave

Each time the edition change can present one batch newly popular, their skill easy to use making the blood boil, they instantaneous rode on early man's head; I select several me to think that with emphasis the modification significance comparison talks

Skeleton shooter - new death contract - duration 45 seconds, cd35 second; This means that actual 10 second buffcd, as well as 45 seconds one time returns to the blood; This skill no longer is former returns to the blood skill purely, although looks like eats the wild strange effect to be better, but perhaps pushes the line time to have the evil spirit to eat is better.

The month rides - blessing of - at night field of vision the new month to increase: 250/500/750/1000; But the corresponding striking power addition was very weak; Depended on the corona and the ejection originally hits later period's luna to lose one later period foundation; But dialectical looked that this skill the words, preliminary Canada attacks lets luna be easy to make up the knife (old 1 level of corona to go out 2 for 1 level to surround luna the attack addition is 4), thus luna nearly has also established the earlier period gank mentality, but located was still awkward and contradictory; Because the pure legal system installs luna does not have the physical dps ability nearly; At present what thought is the new thingses goods empty spirit knife; Certainly if does not hit gank, takes up a collection with corona counter-gank is also the very good mentality. But +1000 night fields of vision are too after all big regarding the ganker help, oneself Lai Xianzong thought that the team benefit is not cost-effective.

- what does the mammoth - new award strength & bucktooth sprint - not to say then awarded strength Niu Bi the mammoth not to jump the knife also to be able to be with ease big; If the dot evil spirit does not consume what which and reduces is radically big imba��hat coordinates Captain sven with ease to chop turns one piece��owever from another side considered that estimated the passer-by left the crazy war to be more--
The next edition should weakenbr />

Ant's viewer several pass through the revision, but this time also calculates pretty good. This time becomes one to open the field of vision to break effectively jumps knife's skill, but the ant as all previous dynasties and the big tree and said that two big open the chart hero's history to never to return (ant to complain tearfully finally, my eldest child has snatched my skill)

Rework TB- surprising rework, because which this is called the rework��n a skill's revision good and evil this skill compared to Huang Dian good - _, - to A,wholesale baby bibs, jumped over when the tower is very useful, was but actually so practical as for the blood transfusion. Then looks for the enemy side own blood for the teammate to trade again

Rework tree eye - in brief this skill now and TA trap extraordinary image, because cannot assign the attack unit although, therefore the injury and the dizzy time are very objective, but the actual result is not good, the field of vision effect has weakened, but corresponding big tree in not the great time competent spot other

Half troops chief - rework counter-attack's injury, by 12.5/25/37.5/50 becomes 10+ own strengths *26/34/42/50%, the action mechanism and the injury type maintains invariable. This skill looked that resembled strengthened many, the regulations were not so, this skill's preliminary growth potential reduced greatly, later period actually did not allow to belittle; May say that if turned this skill the later period skill
We compare the conventional dot take one as the examples; The naked half troops 6 level of point in time 3 levels faint (either 2 levels) 1 level of double edges (or 2 levels) 1 level bounce 1 level of big, this time half troops have the 10+48*26%=22.48 injury; That is 6 levels of first 0.1 level of this skill before are more than 10
But if is the main bounce, 6 levels of 1 level faints 1 level of double edge 3 level of bounce, then bounces has the 10+48*42%=30 injury, before the growth is inferior, therefore this skill is obviously obviously the later period technique we again take 16 level of full skill naked troops as an example, the bounce injury is 10+97*50%=58.5; Merely only compared to before was full the level to bounce about the high 10 points, certainly considered the attribute installed under the premise this skill dps was obviously higher
If our supposition 20 levels have a mind troops, then bounces the injury turned 10+158*50%=89
Before the above injures is completely the tax injures, therefore this skill has not promoted troops' status truly, at best bounced is more disgusting moreover the early time not to be suitable promotes

The corpse king - tombstone life value increases, by 150/300/450/600 becomes 200/400/600/800. to change changes - _, - if always does these matters

The extremely cold ghost - cold ice the full black magic consumption enhances, by 90/100/110/120 becomes constantly 150. Your bifurcation is weakened finally!

The snake sends the female monster - intelligence growth to reduce, by 2.25 becomes 1.85. gun to hit the person who takes the lead

The burrow assassin - point punctures the outer covering to replace to see clearly the insect group (original burrow organizer skill) to bring controls the symbol to control the field of vision techniquebr />

Will crack the soul person - shadow sprint speed addition after striking the corona goal to continue will maintain 2 seconds; Now the enemy not the crack soul person who will see the release shadow sprint on the small map
Will not let opposite see finally the crack soul pedal floor compelled the type silly

Polygonum multiflorum engineer - present polygonum multiflorum engineer, even if not in experiences in the area, may also obtain by the land mine and the remote control explodes attacks kills opposite party hero the experience. What a pity RD the circle does not look at you

Soul of - terror wave action mechanism the revenge changes,baby dolls, the injury value which creates is invariable, but the way becomes the life value detachment, therefore no longer breaks the dragon heart, jumps the knife,baby gift, goods and so on medicinal ointment. Opened the field of vision still very Niu Bi

After the female celestial dragon - equips a stick, strengthens the dreamland winding the effect: The winding duration increases, becomes for 7 seconds by 5 seconds; Increases 100 dreamland stave injuries; Enhances 50 black magic consumptions. A stick increases well, but jumped the knife and the sheep (west tile) was still the mainstream A stick is not first is not even the second big-ticket item

Second, eternal equipment topic

The empty spirit knife - ghost stick also had the following synthesis equipment, such ghost's performance-to-price ratio further promoted, but the empty spirit knife's localization might say that was exceptionally awkward

1st, price

The empty spirit knife's price is 5260, compared to does several things at the same time the axe, a stick, west the tile and so on is slightly expensive, is cheaper than Yang Daolue, is cheaper than some butterfly; But it provides the initiative skill is actually master wants, the attribute is actually the agile later period wants; Awkward

2nd, effect

We have a look at this ether attack - to use simply to an enemy side hero, the user and the goal simultaneously enter the nihility condition, continues for 3 seconds. The goal receives 2.5* user's agile black magic injury (magic arts attack , black magic injury), and the traveling speed reduces 30%, continues for 3 seconds.

We small (are for the purpose of take 16 levels as the example explaining this skill black regarding the majority of agile dps weak)

16 level of sensitive artificial leg big magic club + empty spirit knife small has 148 agile black, considered that opposite party evil spirit anti-as well as the nihility injury addition, this skill output is 388; Any to small has the understanding friends should black to know physical dps which in 3 seconds the artificial leg does several things at the same time to create black slightly compared to this high

Therefore the agile physical output not greatly is obviously possible this

3rd, being suitable

Very difficult who to be suitable in the final analysis. I think luna to be good temporarily, the electricity soul may also, Shui Ren be also good

Abstention of the soul - trades the evil spirit with the blood the thing, but the evil spirit has the time limit��lthough is uses 2 and the thorby synthesis, new performance-to-price ratio magical instrument or weak stage prop?
Thought temporarily loa and the ok this pairs milk father uses quite well.

Third, other
Revised the disaster dogface to cross right first Lu Dian bug. (eats tree to snap soldier); Good -, - the passer-by non-brain snapped the soldier to draw the period finally.

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